Email your Proof of Residency

You can email your Proof of Residency to:

Satisfactory proof of residence includes:

  • Electric, Gas, or Water Bill – with May service dates or later
  • Disconnection notices are not allowed
  • Must show a service address

Newly Established Residency in last 30 days includes:

  • Lease Agreement
    • The lease agreement may be acceptable if it is new (30 days or less).
    • Is used when you do not have a utility bill and the lease states bills are paid by lessor.
    • Other documentation may be requested when a utility bill is not available.
    • Lease agreements must show a beginning and ending date and the address of the property with signatures from both the lessor and lessee. 
      • Lease agreement must list the student occupants.

Families who have a contract on a home that will close within 45 days of the beginning of school, will need to confer with Student Services on applicable Board Policies and guidelines for enrollment. 


Failure to provide the necessary documentation may result in enrollment delays or withdrawal from school.